Thursday, September 11, 2008

Apples or peaches anyone??

I couldnt wait to get back to work. Now I cant wait to leave. I have great kids but a bad environment. Im going insane! Im 34 weeks pregnant...ready to pop any day. Ive been having irregular contractions off and on since last Friday. I actually went to the birthing center on Monday and was monitored for pre-term labor signs. They said I looked good and they were just irregular uterine contractions that can hurt like hell but dont actually open or soften the cervix. I tried to take it easy at work on Tuesday but the kids are testing us and taking it easy was not an option. So thankfully meme and aana have been willing to take Sadie until Skip can come go get her when he gets out of work. Afternoon naps are a must these days. I think I only have 27 days left of work but at this point Im not sure Im going to make it! Tomorrow is Friday and its another day. I just have to keep telling myself that.

On another note, Sadie seems to be happy with the daily routine again. She has been great getting up in the morning and getting ready to go to either Meme's or Aana's. She has been working really hard on using the potty and staying in big girl undies during the day. I cant wait to be home with her and not be pregnant or incapable of bending over so I can help her. Ive been trying to put her only in pull-ups at night but its really hard to do that when I am relying on other people to potty train her. She often requests the pull-ups which are just like diapers only with a different name. For the most part she's doing well with it and soon enough she will have it mastered! Yay Sadie!

The pictures are of Sadie and Daddy in the back yard pciking apples from the trees! We seem to have an abundance of apples and Skip and I tried one and it was surprisingly really good! We also have a peach tree in the front yard. I thought it was the neighbors but I guess its ours because they never picked the peaches. We now have buckets of peaches in our kitchen! Im thinking of making a peach cobbler this weekend...Ive been craving sweets lately!