Thursday, November 20, 2008

New pics from last weekend...

We did a little cooking today while Meme was at the house sitting with Asher. We made muffins for Daddy and Umpy. Oh and we licked the bowl too! Sadie loves to be in the kitchen with me!!

Sadie and Auntie reading stories together on the couch.

Auntie and Mike holding baby Asher.

Another weekend at Meme and Umpy's in the garage with the guys! Oh boy! Asher is growing so big...He gained 2 pounds in 3 weeks. He is now 10 pounds 6 ounces. And he grew an inch and 3/4! He is still quite happy and sleeping in 3-4 hour intervals. Sadie is in love with her little brother and every day gets easier and easier with the 2 kids!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Last Weekend pics

These are pictures from last weekend at Meme and Upmy's house in the garage. There was a race on and a football game so the guys got together to watch and the ladies and kids were there too! Sadie and Asher had a blast!

Happy birthday Asher!

Asher is now 4 weeks old! Everyone says they grow so fast and they arent kidding! Asher is still a very happy baby and sleeps really well during the day and at night! The other night he slept for 8 hours! Oh yes! Mommy was so happy!! We're going a little stir crazy in the house with the weather getting colder. We've had some visitors here and there which is a nice break to the long days we've been having. Sadie is craving for a routine and I think Im craving for one as well! If all goes well I go back to work in a few weeks. We will all get our routine back soon enough!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sadie Haircut pictures

We went on our first outing today with Sadie and Asher. Sadie needed a bang trim desparately! We went to Meme's hair stylist and Sadie was sooo good! She sat in the big chair and Jimmy gave her lots of special creame, gummy bears, and a blue backpack for all her stuff! I had to get pictures!

More baby Asher pics!

October 22, 2008 Hanging around the house!

Welcome Baby Asher!

On October 14, 2008 at 2:29 pm our family welcomed baby Alfred Asher Clifford VII. He weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces and was 19 inches long. He is a happy little boy who sleeps ALL the time! We are using his middle name as a nickname so we are all calling him baby Asher. Big sister Sadie is thrilled with her new baby! She has been a wonderful big sister and very helpful! We are slowly getting a new routine started and Im even getting sleep at night!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Apples or peaches anyone??

I couldnt wait to get back to work. Now I cant wait to leave. I have great kids but a bad environment. Im going insane! Im 34 weeks pregnant...ready to pop any day. Ive been having irregular contractions off and on since last Friday. I actually went to the birthing center on Monday and was monitored for pre-term labor signs. They said I looked good and they were just irregular uterine contractions that can hurt like hell but dont actually open or soften the cervix. I tried to take it easy at work on Tuesday but the kids are testing us and taking it easy was not an option. So thankfully meme and aana have been willing to take Sadie until Skip can come go get her when he gets out of work. Afternoon naps are a must these days. I think I only have 27 days left of work but at this point Im not sure Im going to make it! Tomorrow is Friday and its another day. I just have to keep telling myself that.

On another note, Sadie seems to be happy with the daily routine again. She has been great getting up in the morning and getting ready to go to either Meme's or Aana's. She has been working really hard on using the potty and staying in big girl undies during the day. I cant wait to be home with her and not be pregnant or incapable of bending over so I can help her. Ive been trying to put her only in pull-ups at night but its really hard to do that when I am relying on other people to potty train her. She often requests the pull-ups which are just like diapers only with a different name. For the most part she's doing well with it and soon enough she will have it mastered! Yay Sadie!

The pictures are of Sadie and Daddy in the back yard pciking apples from the trees! We seem to have an abundance of apples and Skip and I tried one and it was surprisingly really good! We also have a peach tree in the front yard. I thought it was the neighbors but I guess its ours because they never picked the peaches. We now have buckets of peaches in our kitchen! Im thinking of making a peach cobbler this weekend...Ive been craving sweets lately!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Still potty training...

I bit the bullet this week and decided to take Sadie out of her pull-ups which are just like diapers just with a different name. Monday was tough...she had like 5 accidents with in 20 minutes. Not a big deal...Tuesday got better! She finally got the concept. If she goes on the potty she gets a prize...stickers, ice cream, cookies, candy oh yes!! The rest of the week she continued to do well. We took her out and about on errands and she took naps and woke up dry. She immediately went to the potty when she woke up. She seems very proud. She's even telling us when she has to go potty and last night at my parents I saw her holding her herself and squirming so I knew she had to go. Im a little apprehensive about taking the pull-ups off at night. I think Im just being selfish though. I dont want to get up and have to do it. Especially next week knowing that I have to go back to work. We'll figure something out!

Last Monday was my 30 week dr. check-up. I had my favorite mid-wife, Lisa. She is planning on being there the day of my surgery and told me that even if she wasnt on duty she would have come in on her day off to be there! Im having another dr. perform my c-section. Its not the dr. I have been seeing since day one because she is on vacation the week im going in! If only I had known. But Lisa assured me that this other dr. is excellent and very sweet! So I feel ok about it. When we were listening to baby's heartrate he kept spiking up to 190 everytime he moved around. And he was quite active in there! Lisa wasnt too comfortable with the 190 heartrate even though he would drop down the 160 and then spike back up. She sent me up to the birthing old home...and I was put on a monitor for about 45 minutes. The baby was doing jumping jack or something in there because his heartrate was all over the place. But according the nurse and the dr. on duty the heartrate baseline was about 140 so they felt comfortable sending me home along with a pamphlet and instructions to follow if I go into pre-term labor!!! But so far, all is well and next week we'll see how he is doing in there! Only a little over a month left!!! Yay!!! Now the baby's room is a different story...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Almost 29 weeks and counting!!

I am on the home stretch now!!! Yes, almost 29 weeks and counting! You know youre at the end of the pregnancy when the dr. starts scheduling you to come in every 2 weeks for a visit. So I feel pretty good with that in mind. Sciatica and on...Dr. Luke the chiropractor has been working on that 3x a week. Hunger...well...if I eat to much my upper back feels like it is expanding into the next room so I find Im not eating quite as much in one sitting and just snacking instead. Hormones...hmmm...Some days i want just need me time...more often now than before. My patience is beginning to wear thin if wasnt already to begin with. Baby's room...wall paper has been scraped...we are waiting on Skip to re-plaster a few spots on the ceiling and then we will being to paint! Weight gain...not too shabby considering all I want to do is eat ice cream and cookies but according to Dr. Royce im right where i need to be! So over all we're looking good I think!!

Welcome Baby Jack Mercier!

A good friend of mine, Meghan and her husband Chris just welcomed home their new baby!! Jack Mercier, 7 lbs. 12 oz. on August 4th 2008! Congrats Meg and Chris! Cant wait for you to come up North so we can meet the new addition to your family!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A few pics from last weekend!

Here's Sadie with friends Bella and Chanel.

Monday, August 4, 2008


Miss Sadie is sick. Last night after a long cranky weekend, Sadie ended up with the nasty stomach bug! I thought it was something she ate out in the garage with the guys because she appeared much better after she had released it! She started her morning with good intentions of playing hard like the 2 year old she is but after waking up from her 2 hour nap she just wasnt right! She is now sleeping again with a burning fever! I got her to eat some fruit and a "pucculo" (popsicle) but not much after that. She down right refused to drink her juice which was had childrens motrin mixed in! She threw the cup on the floor and told me NO MEDICINE! What else can I do? We will see what tomorrow brings!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Stone Zoo and Children's Museum Pics

Well I didnt make it to the Children's Museum on Friday. My back was in a lot of pain! But Sadie had a blast with Meme, Auntie and Daddy in Boston.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Oh potty training!

Sadie is sooo ready to get rid of all her diapers!! So am I! We have graduated her to pull ups which are her "big girl undies". For awhile she had just been going potty at Aana's house and actually asking to go to the potty. Now she has been going to the potty at our house and asking for it in the middle of the night when she is wet. She has gone a few times and is so proud! We are too!

I have been spending the last week with her and Meme now that I am on vacation. Saturday we went boating on the sand bar in the Parker river. Sadie played with Anna and Maddie Webb. She loved Anna who is very close to her age! Sunday we hung around Meme and Umpy's house and TJ and Gina brought over their to girls. She mostly played with Bella who is 3, and they drove around in the Gator and got rides on the lawn tractor and the four wheeler. Sadie was pooped on Monday! Monday my mom and I worked on the baby's room and mostly finished scraping off the wall paper. Now I have to order some bedding to match the paint to before I can actually paint. Tuesday should have been a beach day but with the heat it was nice just relaxing at Meme's house all day with Auntie. Wednesday mom and I took Sadie to the Stone Zoo. Sadie was excellent and really wanted to see monkeys but there was only one monkey and he looked like a skunk. My back didnt hold up so well and I had to sit down while they saw the wolves. Today we went out to lunch, me, meme, auntie and Sadie. Sadie was ok, a little tired. Me and mom stayed and went to the movies to see Mama Mia and Auntie took Sadie home to nap. Great week so far! Tomorrow we are off to the Boston Childrens Museum with Daddy, meme, and Auntie! Hope my back holds up because I think the museum will so much fun for Sadie!
Pictures will be coming as soon as Meme sends me some! Hope every one is well and enjoying their summer!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Saturday at the Beach

Sadie and I joined Meme for a trip to the beach on Saturday. Sadie had so much fun chasing and feeding the seagulls. She went for a long walk on the beach with Meme and didnt want to come back to relax! Cant wait for August when we can go to the beach everyday if we want to!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy Fourth!

Click to play Fourth of July 2008
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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Worth Checking Out!

My sister found this really cute store! Its in Newburyport on Water St. So cute! They have fun patterns of belts, bags, flip flops, T-shirts and so many other cool gift items! The owner is from Newbury, my home town and she is so nice! She makes custom order belts, bags and flip flops and also sells comfy sweatshirts with the flippin' out logo! Check out the link!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Lip Gloss picture

Here is Sadie at the dr.s on Friday for her 2 year check up. She went a little crazy with my lip gloss but she was excellent! Even when they drew her blood for a lead test!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Poor Sadie!

These pics are from Sadie's birthday dinner at Aana and Papa's house last Tuesday night. I missed the cake because I left for a town meeting but Sadie seemed to enjoy every minute of it!

Sadie came down with a sudden fever and raspy cough earlier this morning. She layed on the couch most of the day and refused to eat. Ive decided to stay home with her tomorrow unless she makes a quick turn around in the morning. I just got some motrin in her and she seems to be resting comfortably so hopefully she will sleep well tonight. Poor little girl!

I was off to a wedding in Kennebunkport on Saturday with Erin. We got lost on the way to Biddeford for the ceremony. However...not our fault! The directions were wrong so we ended missing the first half of the ceremony but we made there for the most important part, when they said I do!! The reception was at the Colony Hotel which was beautiful! The food was great. Lots of neat appetizers...Im picky but Erin enjoyed them! Lamb, duck, scallops and crab cakes were passed around for everyone to munch on. Then for dinner Erin had the surf and turf which was lobster and beef. I had the chicken wellington was also very good. The cake was white with vanilla frosting. This was delicious!! Very good for a wedding cake!! Karen the bride looked beautiful and the groom, Dan was clean shaven! The wedding was very nice!! Lots of laughs with some of the old Bresnahan crew at our table! It was nice to see them!