Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Papa!

Sadie and Daddy at Aana and Papa's house this month. Sadie is climbing on the window seat by the tree.

We all had dinner tonight at the Hart House in Ipswich for Sadie's Papa's birthday. She was unbelievably good! She asked Rose for ice cream very sweetly. She some of Aana's chicken and potatoes as well as asparagus. She lasted about 2 hours and then we had to go! But all in all, dinner went well! And the martinis were good too! Grandmother C. can attest to that!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Dont know why I found this so shocking! This actor was sort out of the lime light and stayed pretty quiet! Shocking! Maybe because he was my age! I just think its so crazy that he is dead...from sleeping pills non the less! Check it out...

Monday, January 21, 2008

More pictures!!

This is Christmas Eve. Sadie was so excited Santa was coming! And he was bringing toys for her under the tree!
And this more from Christmas morning!
Sadie and Skip in her new girly camo fleece suit!
Little Miss Sadie was pooped after a long morning!

"Mama, Mousey!"

We had quite the day! Woke up early- 6:30am when Skip got up for work. Normal morning...PBS kids and "donts" as Sadie calls them. Our Miss Ellie cat came home this morning after 3 days of being a trollup around the neighborhood. Around 7:30am I hear a delayed cry from Sadie and then, "Mama...Mousey...Mama...Mousey"! So I run to the hall where all the animals are and there is Sadie as well, with blood dripping down her index finger! She proceeded to show me this baby "mousey" cornered by Eenie, Ellie, and herself and Jager! Oh yes, a baby mouse was in my house! Now Im not sure where it came from but seems to me we could have a big problem! A mouse problem! Sadie's finger bled a small amount...I put hydorgen peroxide on it and put a band aid on it and gave it a kiss. Her big story of the day is how the mousey bit her finger! I did call the doctor...left a message for the doc on one returned my phone call. Im calling first thing in the morning so she can get in if necessary!

Now for the new pictures! Well...the delayed Christmas pics!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Here is Sadie helping Aana and Papa decorate their Christmas tree! She was very excited to see all the ornaments...especially the breakable ornaments! Here is Sadie with Aana in front of the partially decorated tree!

I must apologize for being a bad blogger mom! I have so many Christmas pictures and I have yet to take them off my camera! Im sorry to all especially Mr. Snyder who even threatened he would post nasty blogger comments if I didnt hurry up and create a new post with new pics! So...until I am no longer super lazy...these pictures that Carol was kind enough to email me, will have to do!