Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sadie at Marinis Farm

Sadie went to Marinis Farm today with her Aana. She had so much fun playing in the pumpkins and hugged them! She is obsessed with the the PBS show Cailliou which I cant stand but she adores it. On one of the episodes Cailliou is playing in the pumpkin patch. Sadie went to the patch today and immediately related Cailliou with the pumpkins by calling out, "Cailliou, Cailliou"!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Go Red Sox!!

Im going to admit something that most you already know. I could care less about baseball! However...I am truly in support of the Red Sox right now while they are playing Cleveland. I dont like watching any of the games except for the games that really matter. Yes, I am a fairweather fan! I admit.

I want to crawl out my skin today. I just dont feel myself and all I want to do is sleep. Guess thats nothing new. Sadie has had so much energy lately that she never sits still. Today she played with Maddie and Anna Webb. She played outside with the girls for hours this morning and then this afternoon she played outside with Bella and Chanel Martin. We are going to get her a green fourwheeler that looks just like mine except its meant for kids. She was playing Bella's today and she loved it! Im also thinking about getting her a small tractor. Yah, a tractor. I know! She might as well have been born a boy. She loves boy things and its so cute! She also loves to read and color and pretend like she is cooking so I think a play kitchen might another purchase necessary!

Everyone have a great Monday! Off to peruse Ebay!


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Its official!

Well, its official! Hunting season starts tomorrow. Will I ever see my husband again? Not sure, but for now its kind of nice laying in my bed with the TV on and I am alone...except for Sadie and Jager and the two cats. So Im not really alone I suppose but its been nice. Not nice because I dont want Skip around, just nice that I was able to clean the house a bit like vacuum...mop the kitchen, and do the laundry with out feeling like I have to. Yes, I must say its been nice.

It was a great weekend for us all I think. Friday night the Red Sox game was on and they won! We all got together and watched the game, well the girls played cards in the house and laughed our butts off! Social, ladies! Saturday Sadie saw Aunt Susie for a bit and then we went to pick out appliances with Auntie Kate. Saturday night we all went out for sushi and chinese food oh and the tiki bowls! Sadie stayed behind with Grammy and Grumpy and pooped in their sink while taking a bath! Oh yes, I think thats a first for her! We came back to watch the race and the game but Skip and I couldnt stay up that long so we took Sadie and went home to bed. Today we went to Great Grammy Jeans for breakfast and Sadie ate 4 donut holes! Then our little family went to Shaws and Walmart to stock up on little things that we needed. Later we came home and Sadie and I took a nap for 2 hours which was quite nice! And now here we are! In bed!

I must ask. Any one totally addicted to "Kid Nation" on CBS Wednesday nights?? Oh my gosh! I have been watching all the episodes on demand this weekend and I am addicted! I love it! 40 kids, 40 days and no adults out in the middle of New Mexico! SO cute! Check it out and let me know what you think!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Nothing new to report. Sadie's had a great two days at Aana's and Grumpy's house yesterday and today. She has been extra tired lately! Sleeping alot just like me! But she has been too funny! She started squawking like a chicken tonight! And I heard the words flower and out. Off to grocery shop...