Sunday, June 29, 2008

Poor Sadie!

These pics are from Sadie's birthday dinner at Aana and Papa's house last Tuesday night. I missed the cake because I left for a town meeting but Sadie seemed to enjoy every minute of it!

Sadie came down with a sudden fever and raspy cough earlier this morning. She layed on the couch most of the day and refused to eat. Ive decided to stay home with her tomorrow unless she makes a quick turn around in the morning. I just got some motrin in her and she seems to be resting comfortably so hopefully she will sleep well tonight. Poor little girl!

I was off to a wedding in Kennebunkport on Saturday with Erin. We got lost on the way to Biddeford for the ceremony. However...not our fault! The directions were wrong so we ended missing the first half of the ceremony but we made there for the most important part, when they said I do!! The reception was at the Colony Hotel which was beautiful! The food was great. Lots of neat appetizers...Im picky but Erin enjoyed them! Lamb, duck, scallops and crab cakes were passed around for everyone to munch on. Then for dinner Erin had the surf and turf which was lobster and beef. I had the chicken wellington was also very good. The cake was white with vanilla frosting. This was delicious!! Very good for a wedding cake!! Karen the bride looked beautiful and the groom, Dan was clean shaven! The wedding was very nice!! Lots of laughs with some of the old Bresnahan crew at our table! It was nice to see them!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Sadie!

These pictures go from the end of the day to the beginning! There was an uploading malfunction! Oops!

Here are Sadie's pictures from her birthday. We didnt do much but she had a few visitors. I wasnt up for a party this year and I dont think she minded. She still had a great day playing with her boys and opening a few presents. I feel like shes changed over night. She just seems so much older! I wish I could freeze her at this age forever! She is so much fun!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tried to have fun...

Today was one of those days where I wish i hadnt gotten out of bed. Everything made me grumpy! The world was out to get me...or so I thought...
I tried to go out in the boat with Skip and Sadie but then thought about going pee in the ice cold water and started to get anxiety. So Sadie went out in our boat with Daddy, Kate and Meg and Ryan. I went out in the boat with my parents and made my dad drive us around dodging all the clouds in the sky to find that one sunny spot to stay warm. About an hour into the boating escapade I got hungry and had no food (Skip had it in the cooler) and got tired. So Dad took me back to the landing so I could drive mom's car home. I got home and took a 2 hour nap which I apparently needed because I slept so soundly!
Tonight we went four wheeling...just the girls (vern, mom, me and kate). It was nice to get back out in the woods and drive my machine. Although I dont really feel like its mine anymore. The tires were low and just felt used and abused...and not by me. I guess Im selfish..or stingy as my sister said...but people take out the four wheelers and dont ask other people if they can use it. Then things happen to the machines and they break down. Shouldnt that be for me to do? Why should I pay for a machine so other people can use it and then not tell me how they flip it over? Apparently thats being selfish?! Anyways, I lasted about 2 hours out at the camp. We got out there, ate our subs and then I realized I forgot to pack water or something non-alcoholic. Luckily Dad showed up around 9pm and had one drink and then he followed me back to the farm so I could get my car and go home. I was dying of thirst!!
I got home and Sadie was fast my bed...and Skip and Jager were lounging on the couch. So I curled up in my bed with Eenie Mo and I here I sit. Still grumpy...still really thirsty...but comfortable!!!!!

Sadie's 2nd birthday is tomorrow!! We bought her a John Deere Gator today and Daddy assembled it tonight so it will be ready for her tomorrow! I'll get some pictures tomorrow so I can post! Hard to believe she is two already!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fun at the Beach

Sadie went to the beach with Aana today and played all day long! She was exhausted when I brought her home but fought a nap until about 4pm. She slept until about 7pm and then woke quickly to drink some juice get her diaper changed and then fall back asleep. She is still sleeping now! It is now 10pm! This usually means she is out for the night. She must have needed her sleep just as much I did today! Work was a hectic today and the kids are feeling the end of the school year approach. I dont think I sat down all day! It made the day go by faster but Im waiting for my feet to swell! Any day now, Im sure! Little AC7 woke me up from my nap today with a swift kick to my gut!! It was quite intense! He usually doesnt perk up until about 8pm right when Im ready to go to bed but today he has been quite busy! Hope everyone has been enjoying the cooler air just as much as I have been!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

No more heat thank you!!

No more heat thank you! Im hot...Im hungry...Im cranky...Hmm...what else am I?? Maybe a little crazy too! Ive had enough of the heat and I think Sadie has too! She stayed inside most of the day today with Meme and when i went to pick her up this afternoon she was sound asleep in her room with Meme sleeping soundly next to her! So I took that as a prime opportunity to snooze as well! But I woke up a little cranky due to the heat outside. Hopefully this heat wave will pass as it is expected to do.
Monday night we went out to dinner to the Starboard Galley in Newburyport for Aana's birthday. It was unexpected for Aana so the surprise was nice. Sadie was our entertainment as usual and she munched on chicken and french fries "cooked"!
Ellie will not have any more litters of kittens thank god! I finally buckled and spent 200 dollars to get her spayed. I guess after 2 litters it was about time. She seems to be recovering quickly. Sadie is thrilled to have her torture buddy back...not quite sure how Ellie feels about that though...
Well, off to sleep the crankiness away, HOPEFULLY! Little AC7 is kicking swiftly on my bladder so we'll see how much sleep I get! Thank goodness I got to nap today! Hope everyone is well!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Its a boy!!!

We had our ultrasound yesterday. Everything looks great with the baby! He waved with his little hand and we got to see him kick his feet in my bladder. He has a really cute profile but his lips dont look like Sadies did at that stage. The ultrasound tech said everything looked great and my number from bloodwork came in looking great as well. We couldnt be happier than we are right now. Skip is so happy that he is having a drink with Dan as I write this!

Sadie is a little apprehensive about the baby thing and is not sure whats going on. But as time goes on she may begin to understand a little bit. And once the baby arrives she will have to understand it I suppose! Both grandparents are very excited so happy to have one of each! And now Im off to shop online for little boy things!! Yay!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Mowing the lawn

Sadie and Daddy mow the lawn about once a week together. She rides for awhile and then gets bored and come inside to take a break or swing on her swing set. She loves being outside!

We find out tomorrow what we are having HOPEFULLY!! I think everyone is very excited to find out. Im leaning towards another girl so Sadie will have a little sister. But I might be surprised! I cant wait wait either way because the shopping will begin whatever Im having!

I saw an old friend today...walking on the side of the road. So I picked her up. It doesnt surprise me in the least that I found her walking on the side of the road towards her mothers house in Rowley. Thats something she would do. She thought it was a nice day and had her friend drop her off on the side of the road. Such a free spirit...It was nice to see her and hear what she had been up to, considering I havent seen her in at least 2 years. But it seems she'll be here for the summer so Im sure I will see her around again. Its funny how people pop in and out of your life. And its even funnier how they pop up! On the side of the road? ?