Saturday, May 10, 2008

We had a nice week. My energy is back so the laundry is being done as well as the dishes. Im sure Skip is thrilled. Sadie was great all week for Aana and Meme. She played out doorts as much as she could and cried when it was time come inside.

I had a drs. apt Wednesday the 7th. I heard the heart beat for the 2nd time I believe. Which is always nice! I have started feeling the baby move now so I feel more like Im pregnant rather than just getting fat. My next appointment is June 3rd and thats for the ultra sound as well as a regular check up. Hopefully I will find out what we are first I was really hoping to have a boy but now either way I will be happy as long as the baby is healthy! It really doesnt matter either way. Sadie would love a sister or brother and Skip is convinced we are having a girl anyway. But I think we are all very excited to find out (hopefully) what will arrive October! Boy or girl!!!

Sadie went to the docks on the river with Skip today. The guys were putting the docks in the river and getting ready for boating season. Sadie loved hanging with the guys and helped when she could. Ryan and Dan dragged in the little boat across the marsh to the river and according to Umpy, she loved every minute of it! She talks about the guys every day! She knows all the dogs names and who they belong to. She knows who is pulling in the drive way according to the sound of the truck! Well, she never napped today and after hanging with the "boys" and then grocery shopping with Meme she pooped out around 5:30pm. I brought her home and she woke up 3 hours later, long enough for me to change her and put her back to bed. So I here I am watching tv, blogging and enjoying the peace and quiet with out the dog, cats, and my husband! What a great night!